We do not endorse cheating in any way.Gladiator, it is time to go underground! For the first time ever, you shall step beyond the arena sands and into the dark dungeons of the world.

This article was solely created for referential purposes.

It could also cause more adverse effects, such as changing the player's skin color when entering the arena or going back to town or giving the player a sword / axe / club that acts as a ranged weapon.

The effects of using this glitch often gave the player character an advantage at the start of the game by allowing them to redistribute as many of those ability points as they want to other skills. By using this glitch, it is possible for the player's Gladiator to achieve unlimited (or, more precisely, 2500) ability points by entering a comma (,) as their name and then randomizing their character's stats. It allowed the player to get more ability points and equipment than they were meant to receive from the character selection screen at the start of the game. The comma glitch, was the most corrupting glitch that could be performed in Swords And Sandals 2: Emperor´s Reign.