How to make gann square of 9 in excel
How to make gann square of 9 in excel

He was basically looking for astronomical longitudes to balance with price on these key angles. corner #’s.) to the “gravity center” and also the numbers that ran straight vertical and horizontal from the “gravity center” in the form of a cross (cardinal numbers) were very important in balancing “Price & Time” on the wheel. Also, Gann believed that the numbers that connected the square base of the pyramid (the 4 corners of the square, i.e. This technique is extremely useful for finding coordinate squares on the Gann Wheel that are making hard aspects to a previous position on the wheel. See Books and Courses About Gann Techniques

how to make gann square of 9 in excel how to make gann square of 9 in excel

Incorporating the Gann Emblem with this technique, allows us to calculate coordinates that are conjunct (360 = +/- 2 from the root), opposition (180 = +/- 1 from root #), trine (120= +/. If we subtracted 2 from the root and re-squared the number (25.768- 2= 23.768^2 = 565 ) we would get 565 which is directly below 664 or one full 360 degree cycle in towards center. The square root is 25.768 + 2 = 27.768^2 = 771 which is the number directly above 664 or one full 360 degree cycle out from center. Example: Lets say that we are interested in the price 664 (which is in the vertical column straight up from the center). Basically, if you want to move around the coordinates on the Gann Wheel you take the number you are interested in ( such as the all time High or Low price) take the square root of the number, then add or subtract 2 from the root and re-square the result. Jenkins illustrates some interesting square root trading techniques utilizing the Square of 9 in his Gann Course and his book Chart Reading for Professional Traders. 10 through 25 completes the 2nd cycle, 26 through 49 completes the 3rd, etc… This particular arrangement of numbers creates a very unique square root relationship with other numbers on the chart. The rest of the numbers spiral around the center in a clockwise fashion to the number 9, which completes the first cycle of numbers around the center.

how to make gann square of 9 in excel

The Square of 9 is basically a spiral of numbers starting with the number one in the center (or apex of the Great Pyramid) with the number 2 immediately to the left. However, it is my personal belief that most traders are only using a few simple techniques and are not fully utilizing the true potential of this multidimensional Master Calculator. Many traders use this chart regularly as a primary trading tool.

How to make gann square of 9 in excel